The first shoots have come through from this long winter project. Spring has sprung from the corpse of September. September is the rib cage out of which a special kowhai could grow.
But this is not a blog about the end of lives, but about the beginning and though the end is the beginning is the end and the beginning is the end is the beginning, none of that much matters to the gorgeous shoots of youth that are growing in Stolen Land. I mean, ask a baby to philosophise about individuals, collectives and shared being and all you are likely to get is a goo goo gaa gaa. It's like trying to talk to a libertarian about the assumptions of neo-liberal economic policies. Any sensible businessman doesn't get bogged down in the purity of the doctrine. A sensible businessman will add "yes, buts" and try to be your friend.
Now the question is: what is a weed and what is grass. I did give the Stolen Land two weeks to germinate all of these weeds out of itself, but yet I did not give the soil as much attention or sun as I have in the last week. And so now I do not have 100% weed free grass... wasn't the first part of the Company's role to clear all that was living from the land? It was. And now I suppose that there will be embarrassment.